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LG 37LK450 系列

37LK450內建HD數位選台器,讓您輕鬆享受數位電視的高畫質生活;搭載USB端子,支援HD DivX影片格式,享受數位生活更便利。

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LG 37LK450
屏幕尺寸(寸) : 37
視頻訊號 : 480/60i、480/60p、576/50i、576/50p、720/50p、720/60p、1080/50i、1080/60i、1080/24p (HDMI™)、1080/50p (HDMI™/色差)
解析度 : 1920 x 1080
對比度 : 100,000:1
背光模式 : EEFL
觀賞角度 : 178˚
反應時間(毫秒) : 5(G to G)
電視制式 : 數碼: DTMB(適用於香港地面數碼廣播), 模擬: B/G, D/K, I, M
彩色制式 : NTSC 3.58/NTSC 4.43(只適用於視頻訊號輸入)/PAL/PAL60(只適用於視頻訊號輸入)/SECAM
杜比®數碼解碼器 :
內置揚聲器 :
音聲輸出(瓦) : 10W x 2
音效模式 : 標準, 音樂, 劇院, 運動, 遊戲
環繞聲效 : Infinite Surround
HDMI™ : 1
色差輸入 : 1
視頻輸入 : 1
電腦輸入 : 1 (D-sub)
天線輸入 : 1
USB 2.0 : 1
數碼聲頻輸出 :
耳機輸出 :
主要機能 :

- USB 2.0 支援HD Divx 影片格式
- DVB-T輕鬆收視高畫質頻道
- 智慧光源感應
- Picture Wizard II 畫面精靈
- AV Mode

電壓要求 : AC 100 - 240V, 50/60Hz
尺寸(不含座檯架) (毫米) : 913 x 571 x 77.4
尺寸(包含座檯架) (毫米) : 913 x 639 x 265
重量(不含座檯架) (千克) : 11.1
重量(包含座檯架) (千克) : 12.8
LG 37LK450
LG 37LK450

KDL-40EX720再次為BRAVIA升級,機身備有全新Motionflow™ XR 200播放技術。經親身試用,EX720的Motionflow™ XR 200科技,加入兩重畫面幀率技術,幀率是每個畫面的更新頻率,讓3D畫面逐格清晰播放。相 對一般3D電視的定格畫面,只會於原有圖像上,加上一重更新畫面,EX720在每秒顯示100張獨特景像的情況下,保持畫面光線平均。

另外,全新Motionflow亦備有全新Backlight Blinking的Clear Mode 及Clear Plus Mode來提升畫面清楚度。當中的Clear Mode 及Clear Plus Mode有效以不同程度減少基本的影像朦糊問題。配及背光閃爍補光技術,其獨有的LED Boost技術,背光閃爍補光模式會以自動開關來控制每個影像的光暗及流暢度,先於兩個相連的圖像間插入一幀全黑的畫面,於建立影像後,以黑色畫面重設殘留於眼內的影像,再開動LEDBoost建立影像,特別於動態畫面時,影像更清晰流暢。


HB976TZW 藍光家庭影院系統具有高端科技和無線網絡功能,配備 iPod 連接機座


EH-TW3600 擁有 2,000 流明高亮度,畫質清晰鮮明,搭載 1080P 高解析度,呈現超細膩的影像細節,在明亮的客廳中,也能重現身歷其境的自然真實色彩。加上側投影功能,投影角度更靈活,讓擺設更自由。

802 MKII 中古品
The Bose 802 Series II sound components provide a fully modular system designed for high quality reinforcement of voice and music.
Bose 802 Series II loudspeakers work with the 802C Series II systems controller for active equalization of the system. The 802 Series II loudspeaker is preferred for applications requiring a rugged, portable enclosure, but can be used in permanent indoor sound system installations.
The 802C Series II systems controller assures smooth, accurate spectral response across the entire operating range of the 802 Series II loudspeaker. Sharp subsonic and ultrasonic band-limiting filters reduce power waste, stage noise, high-frequency instability, and interference. The systems controller also provides two independent signal channels.

Acoustimass® 15 音響氣量流 III 家庭娛樂揚聲器系統,為我們最出色的家庭影院揚聲器系統,帶來5聲道環迴聲所呈現影院般的聲效與深度。將此系統與您的5.1聲道擴音機及家庭影院音響組合使用,於電影﹑電視﹑體育節目及音樂中,盡享 Bose® 的高質素音效。平置式中置揚聲器,配合平面電視之餘,亦與家局佈置完美融合。

BEOLAB 3500 中古品
BeoLab 3500 is specially developed as a second-room loudspeaker in a BeoLink system. You can access and adjust the sound of your TV via BeoLab 3500 using your Beo4 remote control, or listen and control CD or radio playing on your main room Bang & Olufsen music system. A small display, complete with clock and timer function, keeps you informed about which source is playing.
With its unobtrusive and discreet design, BeoLab 3500 can be placed high on the wall or on an optional table stand in a bedroom, dining room, or study. Active Loudspeaker technology in a compact design offers great sound wherever BeoLab 3500 is placed. The clock with timer function, synchronised from the main room and with all sources, makes BeoLab 3500 the perfect choice for any room where a clock alarm is needed.
Bringing your music to you
With the introduction of our new BeoLink Wireless 1, you can have your BeoLab 3500 connected to the rest of your equipment with even greater flexibility than before. We have upgraded the BeoLab 3500 speaker, giving it a Power Link socket, which makes it compatible with BeoLink Wireless 1. Listen to the TV, CD, or radio in any room remote from the source, skip tracks on the CD, or pause the CD while listening to the news on the radio or television, all with the ease and convenience of the Beo4 remote control operating through BeoLink.